Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Second Edition, AD&D 2nd edition Character creation: Kits and Classes
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Professional Gladiator

Description: When the arena fills on Blood Day, it is the professional gladiators that the crowd has come to see. The appearance of these strong, capable warriors never fails to draw the crowd to its feet. Different gladiators appeal to different circles in the crowd. Some professionals are loved for their mastery and artful use of weapons, others for the brutality they employ to crush the life from their opponents.
The professional gladiator is at the pinnacle of his field. He has learned the gladiatorial arts and has spent considerable time and effort on becoming the best.
A professional gladiator in Fälgorna™ is a free person who has trained and entered the arena with aspirations of glory, wealth and fame. Those who wish to enter the gladiatorial arena must first gain sponsorship of an important person or house within the city. The sponsor generates interest and betting on the new gladiatorial combatant. Sponsors put their reputation on the line when taking on a new gladiator -- rumors and misinformation about new gladiators spread like quicksilver.
New blood generates additional interest and excitement inthe upcoming games. Sponsors bribe arena managers to get their newcomers into impending arena matches. The heftier the sponsorhsip, the higher in the combat hierarchy a professional may rise. If the new gladiator does not perform well in the arena or is humiliated by his opponent, the sponsor can expect retribution from the gladiator if he survives.
Special Requirments: The special ability requirements of a professional gladiator are the same as for the gladiator class, but high Strength and Dexterity are recommended.
Role: In parts of Fälgorna, gladiators represent the dreams and difficulties of the lives of commoners. The harshness of daily life is embodied in what the gldiators face each time they enter the arena. The ability to overcome adversity and to win glory and riches are thing the common people dream of.
Professional gladiators have many different personality types. They may be cold, calculating killers or oppressive bullies. Others are gentle and may even have a sense of humor. They may be former military conscripts who know no other lifestyle or they may have families and even grandchildren. But, when the final sword stroke falls, they know that only one gladiator can walk out. this makes professional gladiators savage opponents in the arena, regardless of their personalities.
Weapon Proficiencies: The professional gladiator can pick his weapons normally, but he tends to select the more bizarre weapons, seldom seen outside the arena, for specialization.
Nonweapon Skills: Bonus skills: Armor Optimization (automatically gained at fifth level), Endurance, any single warrior crossover group skill can be selected as a bonus skill in addition two mentioned above. Barred skills: Dirty Tricks.
Equipment: A gladiator is free to use any and all weapons except poison. years of weapons training and physical combat create an unwritten code of honor between professional gladiatorial combatants. These weapon masters believe that "strength and steel" should decide matches, not cheap tricks or deception. Poison is for cowards, not professionals.
Special Benefits: Once per day a professional gladiator may concentrate all his skill into a single attack. This focus of skill gives the gladiator a bonus of +1 to hit and damage per two levels (1st-2nd level, +1 to hit and damage; 3rd-4th level, +2 to hit and damage, etc.).
The Professional Gladiator receives a +3 reaction adjustment when encountering other gladiators or anyone who knows of his reputation in the arena.
Special Hinderances: Professional gladiators are both revered and reviled in Fälgorna. In the final days before a large arena tournament, professional gladiators are considered celbrities. Their prominence grow in direct proportion to the amount of money bet on the match. They are shown off at parties given in their honor and it is not unusual to fnd childrens' drawing of their favorite gladiators on back alley and city walls. The names of some are whispered with a reverence usually reserved for kings.
Fanatical followers amy do anything, even kill, to see their idols in action. This time of glory is also the time when the professional gladiator must be on guard, lest he fall victim to pre-game tampering by a zealous supporter of a competitor. A gladiator cannot win if he does not make it to the arena.
Wealth Options: A professional gladiator can come from any background, therefor he rolls his initial Social Class and Social Rank without the penalty applied to other gladiators.
Races: A character of any race can become a professional gladiator.
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