Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition: Wizard class: Spells: School of Rhabdomancy guild spells


Rhabdomancer guild spells

Exploring mine shafts and caverns regularly means that certain spells become more useful than others. Here follows a listing by level and name of some wizard spells that a rhabdomancer may be offered by the guilds, and their most common uses. The list does not include spells greater than fourth-level, as they are often of such power that they are not always taught by the guild, and their effectiveness underground is often more obvious (a passwall spell for example, or dig).

First level
Affect normal fires: This may help to illuminate large areas without the need for many lamps.
Light: This spell provides the perfect illumination, one that is proof against flammable gases and holds no risk of suffocating the user.
Mending: This can be used to repair cracks in support beams.
Reduce (the reverse of enlarge): This spell is perfect for the removal of debris and loose rock.
Tenser’s floating disc: This is a useful means for bearing any ore or precious findings out of the earth without a cart.
Second level
Continual light: See light, above.
Levitate: This is useful for lifting heavy rocks and the like.
Strength: As many of the endeavors underground may be physical and require additional strength, this can be of assistance.
Third level
Feign death: This may be used to effect a cataleptic state when threatened with harmful gases or a lack of oxygen.
Gust of wind: This is an excellent means to flush away harmful vapors and provide fresh air to mine shafts.
Infravision: This spell provides an obvious means for sight in the Everdark.
Item: This allows for inventive uses such as turning a stout beam into a portable brace or for carrying great lengths of rope or chain without encumbrance.
Slow: This spell affects a target’s breathing, thus allowing the individual to operate in places with less oxygen.
Windwall: This presents yet another means to keep harmful gases at bay.
Fourth level
Dig: This spell’s usefulness is clear.
Polymorph self: When escape from or exploration of a cavern is necessary or desirable, an animal form may be best suited to the task.
Vacancy: After the discovery of a rich vein or sarsen, this spell allows the caster’s “claim” to go unmolested by trespassers.


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