AD&D character creation, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition character creation: Human, demihuman and humanoid races

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Gnomes are quite likely the most misunderstood of all the races. Known for their talkativeness and curiosity, at the very least, the Forest Gnomes, Rock Gnomes and Svirfneblin tend to drive most who don't know them to scratch their heads in frustration.
Many consider gnomes no more than eccentric inventors, but despite their reputation they have contributed more to the advancement of technology in Fälgorna than any other race. One circle of sages specializing in gnome lore has asserted that gnomes invented the wheel, but they lack proof. Always trying to fix something (even if it doesn't need fixing) or make it work better, all gnomes regardless of subrace share a knack for tinkering and invention. Their flair for invention, perhaps more than any other trait, distinguishes the gnomish race.
In general, gnomes tend toward lighthearted dispositions, quick to laugh, exaggerate and recite wild tales. They particularly enjoy practical jokes, but their more serious side becomes apparent whenever invention and innovation become part of a conversation. The typical gnome will drop what he's doing to listen to a scientific lecture that others would find exceedingly boring. The unusual mix of humor and academia in the gnomish personality becomes much more understandable when one looks at one of the primary driving factors of a gnome's psyche — his pursuit of a lifelong quest to understand some small, self-chosen portion of the universe through diligent study and experimentation — his life focus.
All gnomes have a focus. The focus is the gnome's primary goal in life. A focus may be to study the habitat of a dragon, to study the anatomy of purple worms or to study structural damage effects of fireballs on stone constructions. Whatever the focus, when an opportunity is found to pursue a focus a gnome will drop everything to pursue his chosen goal in life.
Another curious feature of the gnomes is their monotheistic religious beliefs. Considering the multiplicity of deities revered by the many pantheistic cultures they share living space with, the gnomish belief in only one god surprises more than a few who learn of it.
Gnomes of all subraces worship Garl Glittergold as the supreme deity, the eternal one who has always existed. Most outsiders, however, do not clearly understand the gnomish religion and often mistake the many gnomish saints such as Baervan Wildwanderer and Callarduran Smoothhands as gnomish deities. While the distinction between saints and deity may seem trivial to the outsider, in the gnomish tradition this distinction is all important.
Some gnomish priests do revere certain saints, dedicating their lives to spreading their message to gnomes and non-gnomes alike, but they all revere Glittergold as deity. Their tradition places the saints in a position above the mortal gnome, but of less importance than the deity. They believe the saints were once mortal gnomes who upon death (or in some cases while still living) were elevated to quasi-deity status by Glittergold.
While specialty priests may serve a particular saint, they never worship or encourage others to worship him. While they do pray to the saint, the prayer takes a different form than the pray shared with their deity. Prayers to saints take the form of a petition for the saint, who is closer to the deity then any living gnome, to intercede on behalf of the gnome. The intercession of the saint with the deity allows the priest to gain spells and other granted powers, but these powers are understood to come from the power of the deity as channeled through his loyal servant, the saint, who then passes those same powers on to the gnomish priest.
In game terms, this unique religious belief has little practical effect except for roleplaying purposes. Specialty priests of gnomish deities other than Glittergold are created and played as per the standard rules, only the explanation of how they get their powers and spells differs.
The only exception to this rule is for worshippers of Urdlen, the evil one. His priests are assumed to gain power directly from their evil patron. Urdlen in life was an evil gnome who stole part of the essence of Glittergold's power. Glittergold upon noticing the loss, cursed him to take the form of a blind mole, but left him to rule the gnomish underworld as warning to others. The deity allowed Urdlen to keep his stolen powers knowing that he would use them to tempt otherwise righteous gnomes. Glittergold saw Urdlen's temptations as a suitable test to determine which gnomes truly deserved the greatest reward in the afterlife.

Gnome Racial Abilities

All gnomish subraces share the following abilities unless otherwise specified in the individual subrace description:
  • Gnomes receive 240 skill points for racial detection abilities;
  • Gnomes receive a +1 bonus to saving throws verses magic for every 3.5 points of Constitution (as listed on Table 2.6);
  • In melee, gnomes receive a +1 bonus to hit species enemies of their subrace. Each subrace has different species enemies;
  • Giant class humanoids suffer a -4 penalty to hit gnomes;
  • Gnomes gain bonus nonweapon skills of Fire-building, Debate and Artistic ability.
  • Gnomes gain a bonus nonweapon skill in one of the following areas: Artistic Ability (additional form), Gem Cutting, Stonemasonry, Metalworking, Mining, or Engineering. Any skill not selected is considered a recommended skill.

Table 2.6: Gnomish Constitution
saving throw bonuses

Constitution Score
Saving Throw Bonus

Table 2.7: Gnome ability score modifiers

Forest Dexterity +1, Wisdom +1, Observation +1, Strength -1, Intelligence -1
Rock Intelligence +1, Observation +1, Wisdom -1
Svirfneblin Dexterity +1, Wisdom +1, Observation +1, Intelligence -1, Charisma -2


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