Zayix's Dungeons and Dragons Store
Welcome to my Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (AD&D) game store. I've spent a lot of time researching the various gaming products available through and other online retailers and included links to those products for your convenience. Many of these products are becoming hard to find, so if you want them, buy now while they are still available.
I've sorted the AD&D product line into the categories listed below. When you find the Dungeons and Dragons product you need, just click on the link to open a new window with a detailed description of the product and then follow the simple instructions to buy the item at a discount (usually of 20% or more off retail).

AD&D core products:

AD&D 2nd edition Core Rules books AD&D 2nd edition Core rules adventures
AD&D 2nd edition accessories and adventures D&D Third Edition Core Rules
Dragon Magazine D&D Third Edition adventures

Campaign Settings

Al-Qadim Greyhawk
Birthright Lankhmar / Newhon
Miscellaneous AD&D/D&D 3E
Forgotten Realms Planescape
Spelljammer Ravenloft



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Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (AD&D) 2nd Edition Site